Habit example
- No matter what,
whenever I need to go somewhere,
I always take the “subway or bus”.
> 행동이나 습관에 대해서 시작할 때 유용함
> or를 붙여서 길게 말하거나, 한가지에 집중하려면 하나만 - This is crucial
It’s quite rare for me to take other options.
> crucial : 중요한 느낌
> rare : 드문 - I love “how” I can read something
while taking the public transit.
> I love how = What I love about - It’s the only time I can actually read!
> actually : 진짜로, 쓰길 추천, 불편하면 빼도됨 - It’s interesting cos I’ve never liked reading before
> Well, In the past : 과거를 말하고 바로 현재로 돌아와야한다. - I still don’t, but I love how it helps me
to kill time especially while I’m commuting
> 현재로 바로 돌아옴
- Every time I need to recycle, I always check to see that
all the cans and plastic bottles are crushed to save space - This is very important.
It’s really rare for me to forget to check - I’m quite lazy so I hate having to recycle if I don’t have to
- I take out the recycling only when my bins are full to the max
- It’s interesting cos I had to recycle nearly every day before
Habit 질문 전략
- 1. 뭐 하는 지 설명
- 2. 나한테는 너무 중요하다
- 3, 4 프리스타일
- 5, 6 빠른 비교 (과거 > 현재)
- I’ll tell you what, I always make a hair appointment pretty much every month.
> No matter what
> Every time I… - I find this very important.
> This is crucial
> This is very important
It’s very rare for me to skip a hair-cut. - Of course,
I make other appointments as well in my life,
but this one is the most important to me - My hair has a mind of its own,
so I need it to be well maintained!
> mind of its own = messy = 엉망인 - It’s interesting
cos I never cared about my hair before
> 과거로 갔다가
But these days, I feel that my hair gives me confidence
> 현재로 돌아온다.
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