But the silver lining, if you wanna see it, is that he made the decision all by himself Without any outside help whatsoever. Whatsoever : 어쨋거나 저쨋거나 (Whatever의 강조), 전혀 They showed no consideration whatsoever for my feelings > 전혀 의 뜻 Because, I'm just, I'm incredibly anal and an unbelievable control freak. anal : 지나치게 꼼꼼한, 까다로운 I never knew you were so anal control freak : 통제하려는 사람, 뭐든지 맘대로 하려는 사람..
I never would've gone for it with her if it hadn't been for you (너가 아니었으면 그녀를 못만났을 거야) go for it : 그냥 하다, 해내다. (여기서는) 사귀다, 만나다 I love the idea. Let's go for it. She's going to go for ti with Ross never would have p.p : 전혀 ~ 하지 못했겠지(하지만 해냄) I never would have guessed if he hadn't told me Well, you owe me one, big guy (그런가, 너 나한테 신세 졌네) owe : 빚 지고 있다. 신세를 지고 있다. 반대로 I owe you one > 신세 많이 졌네요 기타 표현..
poop : 똥 싸다 lap : 무릎(무릎 관절부터 허리 사이, 허벅지) > When I was sitting on bench in a park, a pieon pooped my lab give away : 거져 주다, 그냥 가르쳐주다 > I cannot give away my daughter in marriage to someone I know nothing about. It is all I can think about : 내가 생각하는거 전부야 > all I can think about you grad school : 대학원 > I was tapped out after finishing graduate school
Enough about me : 내 얘기는 그만하자 > Enough about me. I want to know about me I'm telling you : ~하는게 정말이라니까 > I'm telling you, he is going out with her get a haircut : 머리를 깍다 get someone hair cut : ~의 머리를 깎다 > All soldier have to get their hair cut in short