오픽노잼 IM 시리즈 정리 - 3




Make “honest excuses” later

Not in the beginning

“솔직한 변명”은 나중에 하기

처음 부분에서 시작하자마자 하지 않기


메인 내용을 솔직하게 말하기, 간단히 말해도되고, 채점자들도 이해가 잘된다.

질문에서 말하고 있는 단어를 먼저 꺼내는게 좋다.


콤보세트, Comparison 질문을 할 때, 시작은 Main Point로 해야한다.

Main Point는 Pure present(현재로 대답)임


CS Comparison Questions

MP(Pure present)

  • Nothing about the past






  • MP (Pure present)
  • Present

Comparison 연습전에 Description 연습을 먼저 해보면 좋다.


Talk about one thing, and one thing only

한 가지(주제)에 대해서만 말하기


Oh, actually I can’t remember very specifically, but one thing I just remember very clearly. 

It was so huge house.

> I can’t remember very specifically, but one thing I do remember is that it was clearly a huge house.


It feels like I was an ant.

> I truly felt like an ant.


핑계 전략도 좋은 방법

I can’t remember very specifically, but one thing I do remember

> 처음 시작하자마자는 안하는게 좋다.


I think를 많이 쓸것 > 나의 감정이 잘 드러나는 표현

시간이 없고 시험을 위해서라면 감정이 드러나는 표현을 많이 배워야할 것

ex) I think, I felt like + S + V , I strongly believe that ~


Now, I’m live in more big house

> Now, I’m living in a even bigger home


even : 약간 놀라운 감정? 느낌? 을 보여주고 싶을 때는 even(부사임)


But I’m still need more place

> But I still feel like I need more space

> I just can’t believe it


I feels it’s not bigger than when I kid is

> Even though it’s definitely a bigger place, I feel like it’s similar from when I was a kid.

> 현재를 말할때는 과거로 돌아가지말고 현재에만 집중

> Even though it’s definitely a bigger place, I still feel like it’s not that big

> My place is big, but I still want a bigger place


Oh, maybe I’m growing so that’s why I feel like it.

> Oh, maybe I’m growing so my perspective is changing


perspective  : 관점, 시야



메인포인트 > 과거 > 현재 > 결론

> 현재를 말할때는 과거로 돌아가지말고 현재에만 집중

> 약간 애매



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